Monday, October 15, 2012

WWE Monday Night Raw Results! [10/15/12]

-Promo of last weeks Raw coming to end for when Mr.Mcmahon told CM Punk who he wants to face at Hell In A Cell.

-Big Show kicked off Raw by coming out and saying that no effect can happen if Sheamus hits a Brogue Kick to him. He also stated that the WMD is way more powerful than his Brogue Kick and said come Hell In A Cell he will become the new World Heavyweight Champion. Big Show demanded that Daniel Bryan come face to face with him. He said No and AJ Lee appeared and said Yes to face him in a match.

-Big Show df. Daniel Bryan
[After the Match, Kane saved Daniel Bryan from getting hit with a WMD]

-Paul Heyman came out and introduced WWE Champion CM Punk. CM Punk said he doesn't care about anyone opinion of him and also said that everyone who steps in his path and shows him disrespect will be put down by him. CM Punk said he slapped Mr.Mcmahon dead in the face for showing him disrespects. CM Punk showed everyone in attendance the Hell In A Cell poster which portrays him as a devil. CM Punk said Ryback is a monster who shouldn't get mixed up with him and he said Cena is the real devil in this situation. CM Punk said that he was gonna unveil a picture of his HIAC opponent and he didn't because the fans showed him disrespect. Mr.Mcmahon came out and said that there will be a contract signing between him and the opponent of his choosing.

-Alberto Del Rio df. Brodus Clay

*Backstage Segment with CM Punk and Paul Heyman*

-The Prime Time Players df. Team Cobro
[After the Match, The Band attacked Team Cobro]

-Dolph Ziggler and Vickie Guerrero came out and ranted about Ryback getting a simple WWE Title match at HIAC. Dolph Ziggler said that if anyone deserves a title match its him and said he wants to face Punk at HIAC and cash in the MITB against Sheamus and become a Undisputed Title Match. David Otunga came out and said he deserves a title match just as much as Ziggler. AJ came out and said they all have a right to their opinion and announced Ryback VS Dolph Ziggler and David Otunga in a handicap match.

-Ryback df. Dolph Ziggler & David Otunga

*Backstage Segment with Vince Mcmahon and Paul Heyman*

*Backstage Segment with AJ and Matt Striker*

-Antonio Cesaro df. Justin Gabriel

-Kane df. Matt Striker
[After the match, Kane asked Striker to get a word with him and said he was the Tag Team Champions]

-Miz TV with special guest Kofi Kingston. They talked about last weeks segment with Larry King and his wife Carrie. The Miz ribbed Kofi by saying the only reason people remember him by is his BOOM BOOM BOOM gimmick. Kofi Kingston said that come this Wednesday night he will make a must see moment on Main Event when he beats Miz for the Intercontinental Championship. The Miz said he will face Kofi tonight in a non title match. The Miz and Kofi Kingston started to brawl to end the segment.

-Sheamus df. Wade Barrett via DQ
[After the match, Sheamus attacked Big Show and Wade Barrett]

*Backstage Segment with John Cena and Mr.Mcmahon*

-Eve df. Layla to retain the Divas Championship

*Backstage Segment with Daniel Bryan and Kane*

*Backstage Segment with Mr.Mcmahon and Ryback*

-The Band was shown going into a bar and about to sing and got kicked out of the bar by security

-The Rhodes Scholars df. Epico & Primo

-Kofi Kingston df. The Miz in a non-title match

-Mr.Mcmahon came out for the official contract signing for the WWE Championship at Hell In A Cell. He announced CM Punk first. Vince secondly brought out Ryback. Then lastly brought out John Cena. CM Punk started talking and laid pipebombs and already signed the contract. John Cena talked next and said that he has been champion for 330 days long and said that he should shut the hell up and said you will not get any sleep for the next 2 weeks is because he will hear 3 words which are "FEED ME MORE". So at Hell In A Cell Ryback will face CM Punk for the WWE Title inside hell in a cell!


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