Saturday, January 18, 2014

WWE Friday Night Smackdown Results! [1/17/14]

-The New Age Outlaws df. The Brotherhood

-Rey Mysterio df. Alberto Del Rio
[After the Match, Del Rio attacked Mysterio and put him in the Cross Armbreaker]

*Bray Wyatt cut a promo about Daniel Bryan's father

-Naomi df. Tamina Snuka

*Paul Heyman cut a promo and says that Brock Lesnar will be on Raw this Monday. Big Show then comes out and says that we will knock Lesnar out cold.

*Backstage Interview with CM Punk

-Big E Langston df. Fandango

*Backstage Interview with The Shield

-The Usos df. The Real Americans

*CM Punk comes out and calls out The Shield & The New Age Outlaws. Punk claims that The Authority just wants to get rid of him and that the Outlaws & The Shield are their personal people to do the job. Outlaws & Shield surround the ring as Kane then comes out. Kane says the Authority has nothing against Punk and they put him in the Rumble for a reason and that is to main event Wrestlemania 30. He says he will be treated with the respect he deserves and nothing will happen to him. Punk calls Kane a corporate sellout. Kane tells The Outlaws & Shield to get him and Kane chokeslams Punk to end the show.

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