Monday, December 17, 2012

WWE Monday Night Raw (Slammy Awards) Results! [12/17/12]

-Rey Mysterio df. Damien Sandow

*Booker T came out to give out "Tell Me I Did Not Just See That" Moment of the Year award, while the WWE Universe was voting on the WWE App, The Boogeyman made a surprising return. Kofi Kingston won the award, Maddox came out thinking he was going to win, but went angrily to the back after Kofi's name was announced.

-Kaitlyn df. Eve Torres

*The New Age Outlaws came out to give out "Comeback Of The Year"Award. Jerry Lawler wins this award.

-Kofi Kingston df. Tensai
[After the Match, Wade Barrett attacked Kingston]

*Vickie Guerrero came out to give out "Kiss Of The Year" award. The winners were AJ & John Cena. AJ Lee came out and Vickie wanted AJ to explain what she did during last nights TLC Main Event. She said that she might have won Kiss Of The Year but she said she will win kiss of the night. She then kissed Dolph Ziggler.

-The Great Khali df. David Otunga

*Ric Flair returned and came out to present the Superstar of the Year Award. John Cena won this award. He said that Ric Flair deserves to be the Superstar of the Year. Ric Flair accepted the award. CM Punk came out and said that he deserves to be superstar of the year. CM Punk said that he can still beat up Ric Flair with one leg. Flair went to the ring and started taunting Punk to go down to the ring and face him in a match. CM Punk started walking as well to end the segment.

*Ric Flair, CM Punk, and Paul Heyman were shown brawling after the commercial. CM Punk hit Flair in the back with a crutch twice and when he was going to hit him again, he hit him with a thumb to the eye, then he put Paul Heyman in the Figure 4 Leg Lock. He then said that he wanted to die in the WWE in Philidelphia. The Shield then came out and another commercial break aired.

*We come back from commercial break and we see The Shield & Team Hell No brawling. The Shield were about to Triple Powerbomb Flair through the announce table until Ryback comes out and destroys The Shield sending them through the crowd.

*Backstage Segment with Team Hell No, Ric Flair, and Ron Simmons*

-Brodus Clay df. JTG

*Santino Marella & Tensai came out to present "LOL Moment of The Year". The Rock won this award. Team Hell No came out and Bryan said that Hell No shouldve won the award. Bryan did his continuous NO! Rant when Kane carried him backstage.

-Cody Rhodes df. Sin Cara

*Zack Ryder & Layla came out to present the "Trending Now" Award. Ryback won this award.

*Big Show came out with the big chair he used last night at TLC and cut a promo on how he is the most dominant superstar in the WWE. The fans started chanting boring to Big Show and said he will sit there all night. Sheamus came out and said that it was one of the most brutal matches he has ever been in. Sheamus asked to shake Big Show's hand and they did. Big Show started calling him a Potato Eating Ginger Snap. Sheamus snapped and attacked Big Show with a Brogue and with the big chair. Dolph Ziggler came out and was about to cash in Money In The Bank. John Cena came out and didn't let Ziggler cash in by attacking him.

*Backstage Segment with Vickie Guerrero & Dolph Ziggler, They break up*

-Tommy Dreamer, Alberto Del Rio, and The Miz df. 3MB

*Sheamus came out to present "Newcomer of the Year" award. Ryback won this award. Ryback did a speech. He said that Owen Hart used to say that Enough is Enough and it's time for a change. Ryback said that it's time for that Change.

-Ryback df. Antonio Cesaro via countout

*Jim Ross, Mean Gene Okerlund, and Ricky Steamboat came out to present the "Match Of The Year". Triple H VS Undertaker @Wrestlemania 28 won this award. Triple H came out and said that it was an honor to be in that match with Taker and he said it was an End Of An Era. He says that you have not seen the last of The Undertaker.

*Backstage Segment of The Shield attacking Tommy Dreamer & Ricardo Rodriguez*

*AJ Lee cut a promo of why she screwed John Cena last night at TLC. She said she screwed Cena because, and wasn't able to finish talking because Vickie Guerrero interrupted AJ and said that no one cares why you screwed John Cena. Dolph Ziggler came out for the Main Event next.

-John Cena & Vickie Guerrero df. Dolph Ziggler & AJ via DQ when current NXT Champion Big E Langston interfered and attacked John Cena to end the show.


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