Monday, January 14, 2013

WWE Monday Night Raw 20th Anniversary Results! [1/14/12]

*Classic Intro's from Raw (1993 - 2013) Were aired.

-Vince Mcmahon came out and welcomed us to the 20th Anniversary of Raw and said that we will continue to make history and he announced Cena VS Ziggler in a Steel Cage & The Rock Concert. Big Show said he  wants to address the people of what happen on Smackdown with him losing the World Heavyweight Championship to Alberto Del Rio. Big Show said that he wants Del Rio stripped of the World Title. Alberto Del Rio came out with new Mexican Ring Gear & said that he wants to face Big Show for the World Title tonight in a rematch. Big Show said he wants to fight him on his terms, not on Del Rio's. He started calling Big Show names in Spanish, and they said they got a gift for him. Ricardo Rodriguez threw confetti at The Big Show and Alberto Del Rio started attacking Big Show and stood tall to end the segment.

-Wade Barrett df. Randy Orton

*Backstage Segment with Eve Torres, Smackdown GM Booker T, And Teddy Long*

*Backstage Segment from earlier today with Team Hell No, Dr.Shelby, And Team Rhodes Scholars*

-Kane df. Damien Sandow

-The first Inductee into the WWE Hall Of Fame 2013 Mick Foley came out to thank everyone for his career. The Shield came out and surrounded Foley. Right when they were about to attack him, Ryback, Randy Orton, and Sheamus came out for the save and fought out The Shield. Josh Matthews then interviewed Ryback. Ryback said that everytime he faces CM Punk, the Shield helps CM Punk and Ryback said "Feed Me Shield".

-Kaitlyn df. Eve to win the Divas Championship

*Backstage Interview with Brodus Clay

-CM Punk df. Brodus Clay
[After the Match, CM Punk went on the mic and cut a promo]

*Backstage Segment with The Rock & Sock Connection, and Vickie Guerrero

-3MB df. Sheamus in a Over The Top Rope Battle Royal
[After the Match, Sheamus attacked 3MB]

*Backstage Interview with John Cena

-MizTV with special guest star "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair. Ric Flair was sharing his favorite Raw moments. The Miz & Ric Flair have a WOOOO Off in the Ring. They show a video package of Raw's most unforgettable catchphrases. Ric does his Limosine Ridin' catchphrase and during the sentence, Antonio Cesaro came out and started making fun of Ric Flair & told him that just like USA, no matter how great he was, he has nothing anymore. The Miz & Ric Flair attacks Cesaro and Flair puts him in the Figure 4 Submission and they celebrate to end the segment.

-Daniel Bryan df. Cody Rhodes

*Breaking News: Eve Torres HAS QUIT WWE ANNOUNCED From the WWE App.*

*Backstage Segment with Big E Langston, AJ Lee, and Dolph Ziggler, they show the best of Raw's Weddings over the years*

-John Cena df. Dolph Ziggler in a Steel Cage match

-The Rock came out to do his Rock Concert. He did the Heartbrake Hotel in tribute to Paul Heyman by replacing it with his own lyrics. He brought out Vickie Guerrero to sing her a song, he started making fun of Vickie in the song, and the fans went along with it as well. He then called out WWE Champion CM Punk so he can also sing to him and he then came out. The Rock said that last week that he said his arms are too short to box with god, and He said that CM Punk isn't god, CM Punk ran to the ring and they brawled to end the show.

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