Monday, January 7, 2013

WWE Monday Night Raw Results! [12/7/13]

-John Cena came out and they showed the New Years Toast segment with Dolph Ziggler & AJ Lee getting dumped in waste. John Cena gave a preview for Raw for the Tampa crowd including The Rock is in the building & The TLC Match we will be seeing later tonight. Dolph Ziggler, AJ, and Big E Langston came out and she called him a "Small Man". John Cena started making fun of the joke by making the WWE Universe do the wave and celebrated her first TV-14 Joke. Dolph Ziggler officially confirmed himself for the 2013 Royal Rumble also. Big E Langston said that Ziggler will face Cena in a match next.

-John Cena df. Dolph Ziggler

-Kaitlyn df. Eve Torres via countout (Eve Torres is still Divas Champion)

*Backstage Segment with Ricky Steamboat, Wade Barrett, and Santino Marella

*Backstage Interview with Randy Orton & 3MB, They announce that all 3 are in the Rumble

-Team Rhodes Scholars df. Team Hell No

-Randy Orton df. Heath Slater
[After the Match, Randy RKO'd 3MB]

-Wade Barrett df. Santino Marella
[After the Match, Barrett was thinking about hitting the Bullhammer on Steamboat but Ricky saw him and walked away]

*Backstage Interview with Randy Orton & 3MB

-Antonio Cesaro df. The Great Khali

*Backstage Segment with Brad Maddox & Paul Heyman

-Sheamus df. Jinder Mahal

-CM Punk df. Ryback in a TLC Match to retain the WWE Championship

*Backstage Interview with Paul Heyman & CM Punk

*Backstage Segment with Team Hell No & Vickie Guerrero

-Big Show df. Kofi Kingston

-CM Punk & Paul Heyman came out to discuss The Rock and deliver what he calls a Pipebomb. He said that a pipebomb means an honest fact about someone. He said that Brodus Clay is 400 lbs monster who touches kids and dances with them and said that Little Jimmy is mentioned more than Tyson Kidd is a wrestler. He said that he would have been WWE Champion for 30 years if he was back in the WWF days. He starts to lay the pipebomb on the whole company on many different wrestlers like Edge, Ric Flair, and Shawn Michaels. A camera man approaches Punk and says we have to go to commercial and Punk says we go to commercial when he wants. We go to commercial break.

-We are back from commercial break and CM Punk names all the people he has beaten over the years and is still the doing the pipebomb. The Rock comes out and says that he knows what he has to do to beat CM Punk at the Rumble. Rock says that in 20 days time is up for his title reign as WWE Champion. He said that the Universe will chant Cookie Puss to CM Punk from now on for the rest of his life. CM Punk said that in 3 weeks he will kick The Rocks ass at the Royal Rumble. The Rock said that he remembers crystal clear on what happen at Raw 1000. The Rock said he will kick CM Punk's candy ass at the Royal Rumble and delivered The Rock Bottom to him to end the show.

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