Friday, August 30, 2013

WWE Friday Night Smackdown Results! [8/30/13]

-MizTV opened the show with special guests Big Show & Dolph Ziggler. They talk about The Shield, Randy Orton, and Triple H's actions. Big Show & Dolph Ziggler are speechless. Miz says this is a free country and when he is about to say something, HHH comes out. He says that Show, Miz, and Ziggler are going down Daniel Bryan's road by making it personal. The fans tell HHH that he sold out at Summerslam. HHH says that what he is doing is best for business and brings even more money to the company. HHH makes matches for tonight which include The Shield vs Ziggler, Miz vs Orton, and Big Show must watch the whole show at ringside.

-Randy Orton df. The Miz
[After the Match, The Shield attacked Miz until Bryan made the save and fought off Orton & The Shield with a chair]

*Backstage Segment with Vickie Guerrero, Daniel Bryan, and Ryback

-Rob Van Dam df. Damien Sandow
[After the Match, Alberto Del Rio came out and cut a promo on NOC and how Ricardo Rodriguez is known for betraying people & the Latino community]

-The Shield df. Dolph Ziggler in a Handicap match

*Intercontinental Champion Curtis Axel & Paul Heyman came out and cut a promo of their actions on Raw & their match coming up in 3 weeks at NOC.

-The Wyatt Family df. Tons Of Funk

-Daniel Bryan df. Ryback via DQ
[After the Match, The Shield attacked Bryan and Big Show came in the ring until HHH told him to get out, then Shield & Orton continue the beatdown and Orton grabs spraypaint and paints NO on Bryans chest to end it]

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