Wednesday, August 14, 2013

WWE Monday Night Raw Results! [8/12/13]

-Wade Barrett df. Daniel Bryan in a special referee match (Brad Maddox was the Special Ref)

-Randy Orton df. Damien Sandow

*Backstage Segment with The Shield

-The Great Khali & Natalya df. Big E Langston & AJ Lee

*Vince Mcmahon comes out and bring GM Brad Maddox out. He asks Maddox how he think he did during tonights opening match. Maddox said that he think he did great not counting the fact that he did a fast pin and screwed Bryan. He asks that if he should be the ref for this Sunday's Summerslam match. Maddox says he should and will be as fair as he was tonight. Triple H comes out and said that he is fair and gives Maddox a pedigree to end it as HHH will be the special ref this Sunday for the Bryan/Cena match.

-Kane df. Titus O' Neil
[After the Match, The Wyatt Family came out and when the lights turned on Kane was shown on the stage. He did his pose and set the ring post on fire]

-Alberto Del Rio df. Kofi Kingston

-The Usos df. The Real Americans

*MizTV with special guests John Cena & Daniel Bryan

-Fandango vs R-Truth did not happen because they had a quick dance off and then it turned into a brawl

*Backstage Segment with Curtis Axel & Paul Heyman

-Rob Van Dam won a 20 Man Over The Top Rope Battle Royal to become the #1 Contender for Dean Ambrose's US Title and will get a title match this Sunday at the Summerslam Kickoff event on YouTube.
[After the Match, Henry shaked RVD's hand and Big Show returned and fended off The Shield]

-CM Punk vs Paul Heyman did not happen - Heyman said this was all a trick. He brings out Brock Lesnar and says it will now be a 2 on 1 Handicap match if Punk accepts. They call Punk out and his music hits but he is disguised as a camera man and attacks Lesnar with a camera and a steel chair at ringside. Heyman gets away and runs up the ramp as Punk follows him, Axel comes out only to get a GTS on the stage and stares Axel & Lesnar down to end the last Raw to Summerslam]

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