Friday, October 18, 2013

WWE Friday Night Smackdown Results! [10/18/13]

*Smackdown GM Vickie Guerrero & Raw GM Brad Maddox kicked off the show tonight. They talk about Big Show's actions on Raw when he cost Seth Rollins & Roman Reigns (The Shield) the WWE Tag Team Championships. Daniel Bryan comes out, and Big Show's theme song plays but no one comes out. The two GM's say he's banned from the building tonight. Cody Rhodes & Goldust come out next and Vickie says that tonight's main event will see United States Champion Dean Ambrose, and The Shield take on WWE Tag Team Champions The Rhodes Family & Daniel Bryan.

-The Wyatt Family df. Kofi Kingston & The Miz

-Brie Bella df. AJ Lee

*Lillian Garcia is in the ring to announce the next match but Big Show is seen walking through the crowd. He says that he probably doesn't have a lot of time to be here since he's banned form the building but wants to address the WWE Universe on his actions. This brings back out Raw & Smackdown GM's Maddox & Vickie yet again, and Brad is screaming at Big Show to leave after knocking out Triple H & costing the Shield their tag team title's on Raw. Big Show says he has nothing left to lose and end sup giving Maddox a WMD to end it with Vickie watching over Maddox as Show leaves the arena.

-CM Punk df. Big E Langston
[After the Match, Paul Heyman, Curtis Axel, and Ryback came out. Heyman bashes Langston on being just a rookie that got lucky from NXT to the main roster & Punk said that there are 2 words that matter to him and it's Hell & Cell. Heyman said that he will show him hell tonight. Ryback & Axel start to attack Punk until Langston makes the save thus making him into a face]

*Josh Matthews interviewed World Heavyweight Champion Alberto Del Rio about his upcoming match next Sunday at HIAC against the returning John Cena. Matthews showed a video package of Cena's life & career. Del Rio starts to bash on Cena and say that he has to start from the bottom and work his way to the top because he was out of action for 2 months. Del Rio says he will state an example of what Cena's fate will be come HIAC. He starts to attack Josh Matthews and lock in the cross armbreaker submission hold.

-The Usos df. The Real Americans

-Daniel Bryan, Cody Rhodes & Goldust df. The Shield


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