Monday, October 28, 2013

WWE Monday Night Raw Results! [10/28/13]

*The New World Heavyweight Champion John Cena came out and addressed the WWE Universe. He said that he is even stronger than before and is going to Europe to fight as a champion and not make a special appearance as the media has said. He said that Alberto Del Rio is entitled to a rematch soon and he said when he wants some, come get some. Damien Sandow comes out and said that he is afraid he will cash in on him. Sandow teased a cash in now but he says he will save it and pushes Cena and Cena pushes back. Sandow then attacks Cena's arm strongly in the outside with a chair and steps and cashes in his Money In The Bank contract and the match will be next!

-John Cena df. Damien Sandow to retain the World Heavyweight Championship

*Backstage Segment with The Shield

-Big E Langston df. Dean Ambrose via DQ (Ambrose Retains)
[After the Match, The Shield attacked Big E until The Usos saved him and Brad Maddox returned and made a 6 Man Tag next]
-The Shield df. Big E Langston & The Usos

*Shawn Michaels came out for his explanation for his actions last night at HIAC. He called out Daniel Bryan so he can explain to him first. Bryan comes out and doesn't do any YES! chants and is pissed. HBK says he called the match down the middle like he said. He said he saw what he did to HHH last night and he didn't like it so he superkicked him and he was his best friend no matter what. He asks Bryan to accept to his apology and shake his hand. Bryan shakes his hand and puts him in the yes lock until Refs come and break it up.

*Backstage Interview with Daniel Bryan - The Wyatt Family attacked Bryan backstage

-Los Matadores df. 3MB

-AJ Lee & Tamina Snuka df. The Bella Twins

-Kane df. The Miz
[After the Match, Kane called out Stephanie Mcmahon. He said that he is best for business and he is Steph's monster now. He removes his mask and gives it to Stephanie thus turning him heel]

*Backstage Segment with The Prime Time Players

-CM Punk df. Ryback in a Street Fight
[After the Match, The Wyatt Family attacked CM Punk]

-The Real Americans df. Cody Rhodes & Goldust

*Alberto Del Rio came out and talked about his match last night at HIAC. He said he doesn't care about what Damien Sandow did earlier. He said he wants his rematch soon and his arm is a target for him. He said that he will beat Cena down bad with his Cross Armbreaker and waved the Mexican flag.

-Natalya df. Summer Rae

*Randy Orton's Championship Celebration is next. The whole WWE roster is on the stage watching. HHH & Stephanie come out first. HHH talks about Evolution and says he mentored Orton and watched him become a star. He said that he was an A+ player. He then introduced Randy Orton. He says that having the title makes him better than everyone standing in the stage. Big Show then comes out and takes out The Shield with help from the Usos & Rhodes Family. Big Show says that he is suing the WWE for millions of dollars and he has nothing left to lose anymore. Orton then attacks Show with the title and knocks him down. Orton aims for another shot and Big Show knocks out Orton with a WMD and screams at HHH to get in the ring and fight. HHH unbuttons his suit but retreats. Big Show ends Raw clapping hands with the fans and HHH checking on Orton.


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