Friday, February 28, 2014

WWE Friday Night Smackdown Results! [2/28/14]

*Batista opens to the show to address the WWE Universe. He says that he will be champion at Wrestlemania and that the fans will have to deal with it. He claims that he will be everybody who steps in his way. Out comes Dolph Ziggler. Ziggler says Dave doesn't demand that people get behind him, they get behind their favorite Superstar when they want. He issues a challenge for a match for later tonight against Batista. Batista laughs at him but accepts anyways. Ziggler dropkicks Batista to end the segment.

-The Real Americans df. Mark Henry & Big E

*Backstage Segment with Vickie Guerrero, Sheamus, and Alberto Del Rio

-Sheamus df. Alberto Del Rio via DQ when Christian got involved and hit a killswitch on Sheamus

*Backstage Segment with The Shield

-Batista df. Dolph Ziggler

*The Wyatt Family cuts a promo on John Cena and how they are the heroes instead of Cena. The Shield comes out and they get in the Wyatts faces. Triple H says that the rematch will happen this Monday on Raw and tells the Shield to stand down. Roman gets in Brays face even more and ignores HHH. Ambrose & Rollins do an outside dive to Rowan & Harper. The Shield surround Bray as he leaves leaving The Shield standing tall.

-AJ Lee df. Cameron to retain the Divas Championship

-Daniel Bryan & The Usos df. Kane & The New Age Outlaws

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