Friday, February 7, 2014

WWE Friday Night Smackdown Results! [2/7/14]

*Daniel Bryan kicked off the show to a ton of YES! Chants. He says that he doesn't know why Kane did what he did but he calls him out. Kane comes out and says that it was unprofessional of him to put his hands on him and any other WWE Superstars as Director of Operations. Bryan reminds Kane that they are friends and former tag team partners from Team Hell No. He says to trade in the suit for his mask and not be a corporate sellout. Kane claims that Bryan and him were never friends and says he is glad Hell No is over. He puts Bryan in a match against Antonio Cesaro later tonight.

-The Shield df. Dolph Ziggler & Kofi Kingston
[After the Match, The Wyatt Family came on the titantron and cut a promo on The Shield again]

-Sheamus df. Ryback

*Backstage Interview with Alberto Del Rio

-Daniel Bryan df. Antonio Cesaro
[After the Match, Cesaro attacks him and hits a neutralizer as Kane also comes down and chokeslams Bryan again]

*Alexander Rusev & Lana debut promo

-AJ Lee df. Nikki Bella

*Backstage Interview with Titus O' Neil - Darren Young comes out of no where and attacks Titus til' security holds Young back

-Bray Wyatt df. Goldust
[After the Match, The Shield came on the titantron and also cut a promo on the Wyatts]

-Randy Orton df. Christian

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