Monday, February 24, 2014

WWE Monday Night Raw Results! [2/24/14]

*Hulk Hogan kicked off the show. He hyped up being the host of Wrestlemania 30 and said he is home. He said just like at Wrestlemania 1, tonight history was made with the WWE Network. He finished his promo by saying "Whatcha gonna do when Hulkamania, the WWE Network, and the Hulkamaniacs run wild on you" to a massive ovation from the Green Bay crowd.

-Alberto Del Rio df. Batista
[After the Match, Randy Orton came out and said that the fans hate him. Batista said that he loves the business no matter what the reaction is and that if they cheer him, he cheers them back, but if they boo, he boos them back. He calls Orton a suck up and in 6 weeks he says that he will beat the hell out of him]

-Big E df. Cesaro via DQ - Jack Swagger got involved and locked in the Patriot Lock on Big E, Cesaro got upset due to the DQ win and Big E started to attack Swagger until Cesaro saved him and hit a neutralizer on him helping his fellow Real American

*John Cena came out and addressed the Wyatt Family's attack at Elimination Chamber. Cena said that he knew somewhere down the road he would get mixed up with them. He didn't think at the Chamber it would happen because they weren't supposed to be in there. He calls them out. The Wyatts come out and Wyatt cuts a promo on Cena and reintroduced himself to Cena. Cena does the same and challenges the Wyatts to a fight. The Wyatts beat down Cena and what appears is that they injured his leg badly. Wyatt hits him with a flying elbow to end it.

-Sheamus df. Christian

*Backstage Segment with The Shield & Wyatt Family

-Daniel Bryan df. Kane
[After the Match, Bryan got on the mic and once again challenged Triple H to a match at Wrestlemania 30 as the arena chanted YES! loudly]

-Emma df. Summer Rae

-The Usos df. The New Age Outlaws

-Bray Wyatt df. Roman Reigns via DQ - Rowan & Harper came at the ending of the match to confront Roman until Rollins came and did a springboard dive onto both Rowan & Harper. They start to attack Rollins until Ambrose then comes out in a jacket and attacks all 3 members of the Wyatts until Reigns and Rollins help him take the Wyatts out letting The Shield stand tall.

*Backstage Segment with Brock Lesnar & Paul Heyman

*Brock Lesnar & Paul Heyman returned to Raw for the first time since the Royal Rumble to address the WWE Universe. Heyman & Lesnar ranted about them not being in the main event at Wrestlemania against Batista and Orton. Heyman said there will be no Wrestlemania without Lesnar. Heyman throws the contract away on the table. As they are about to leave, The Undertaker returns! Taker stares in the face of Lesnar and signs the contract. He then shoves the pen on Takers chest. Taker grabs the pen and stabs it in Lesnars hand and follows it up with a chokeslam through the table to end a great Raw!

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