Monday, March 10, 2014

WWE Monday Night Raw Results! [3/10/14]

*Hulk Hogan opened Raw for his Wrestlemania 30 announcement. He talks about his classic match with Andre The Giant. He said at WM30, there will be a 30 Man Over the Top Rope Battle Royal with the winner getting an Andre The Giant memorial trophy. John Cena comes out and says it's good that Hogan is back in the WWE. Cena says that his favorite Wrestlemania moment was also when Hogan bodyslammed Andre. Cena announces that he will be the first person to officially be in the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal. The Wyatt Family come out and Bray gets on the mic. He cuts another strange promo on Cena and Hogan! Cena replies with some joke and says that his chair is from Cracker Barrel. Cena says that he may not make the Battle Royal and challenges Bray Wyatt to a match at Wrestlemania 30. The Wyatts get angry and surround Hogan & Cena as Raw goes to commercial.Erick Rowan vs John Cena is next.

-John Cena df. Erick Rowan

*The Authority came out and discussed Daniel Bryan's actions on last weeks Raw. Steph says that they are sorry for punishing Bryan last week. They said that they are not going to fire Bryan unless he apologizes to them as well. They say if Bryan does not apologize later tonight, there will be severe consequences. The New Age Outlaws come out and shake The Authorities hand as they go on commentary for the next match.

-The Usos df. Rybaxel

*Backstage Segment with  Kane & The Shield

-Big E df. Jack Swagger
[After the Match, Zeb Colter threw a massive fit at both Real Americans and made them shake hands. Cesaro took a while to let go of Swaggers hand]

*The Undertaker comes out to address Brock Lesnar & The Streak. Right before Taker is about to speak, Paul Heyman appears on the stage. Heyman says that he should not fight Lesnar at WM30. Heyman says that he respects the streak and respects Taker. Heyman says that Taker is scared of Lesnar. Taker says that if Lesnar shows up at New Orleans at WM30 he will Rest In Peace.

-The Shield df. The Brotherhood

-The Bella Twins df. AJ Lee & Tamina Snuka

*Daniel Bryan comes out next. He said that The Authority's apology to him was not sincere at all. He does his NO! chant in response to an apology to them. He says that he brought people from the YES! Movement here tonight and about 50 fans enter the ring as Bryan says they are going to Occupy Raw. Raw goes to commercial. The Authority comes out and says that all those fans have about 30 seconds to leave and they don't. 2 security guards come and they deny arresting all the fans. HHH says to put the next match on. Damien Sandow comes out and he also leaves. HHH & Steph scream at Sandow to stop being disrespectful. HHH says that him vs Daniel Bryan is on. Bryan says he also wants to be included in the World Heavyweight Championship match between Orton & Batista if he beats Hunter. HHH says that he will get what he wants and he demands that the fans get out of his ring.

-Sheamus df. Christian in a Memphis Street Fight

*Backstage Segment with Raw GM Brad Maddox, Batista, and Randy Orton

*Backstage Segment with the Wyatt Family

-Daniel Bryan & Big Show df. Randy Orton & Batista

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