Monday, March 17, 2014

WWE Monday Night Raw Results! [3/17/14]


*Triple H opens the show. He says that at WM30 the YES! Movement will end. Batista comes out and says he has a problem with HHH for possibly letting Daniel Byran be in the main event against Batista & Orton. HHH says that he has a problem with Dave for thinking that. Orton then comes out and says he agrees with Batista. He says that he is nuts for letting Bryan get to his head. HHH pretty much owns Orton & Batista and says Orton is a gifted wrestler who can't win a match without him holding HHH's hand and Batista is a Hollywood movie star who think he knows all about this business. HHH says that there will definitely be a triple threat match at Mania. He says he if he beats Bryan it will be Triple H vs Batista vs Randy Orton instead of Daniel Bryan. As HHH leaves, Batista throws a massive fit. Orton hits an RKO on Batista to end the segment.

*Backstage Interview with Batista

-The Real Americans df. The Usos

*Backstage Segment with Kane & The Shield

*Hornswoggle came out to give out gifts for St.Patricks Day. Bad News Barrett came out talked down on the fans that are getting drunk.

-Sheamus df. Titus O' Neil
[After the Match, Renee Young interviews Sheamus and enters himself in the Andre The Giant battle royal. Christian then attacks Sheamus on the outside and hits a killswitch on him in the outside area]

*John Cena comes out and responds to the Wyatts. He says he is afraid of Bray Wyatt and he is afraid that the WWE Universe is listening. He said that at WM30 he is fighting for his legacy. The Wyatts come on the titan tron and cut a strong promo on Cena and even a part of it on Nikki Bella.

-Daniel Bryan df. Randy Orton in a No DQ match
[After the Match, Batista came back to the arena and hit a Batista Bomb on Orton]

*Paul Heyman comes out and sends a message to Undertaker. He plays a video package of all of Undertakers opponents. He says that Lesnar will make Taker... Rest In Peace.

*Backstage Segment with The Authority

-Goldust df. Fandango

*Kane came out and also addressed the YES! Movement. Kane says that since Raw was in Memphis, it was all Jerry Lawler's idea. The Shield then come out because Kane demanded that The Shield be at ringside to listen to what Lawler has to say. Seth Rollins gets on the mic and says Daniel Bryan isn't going to help him and The Shield always does what is best for business. They surround Kane and let Lawler go. The Shield start the attack on Kane as they end it with a Triple Powebomb.

-The Funkadactyls df. AJ Lee & Tamina Snuka

*Mr.T is the 6th inductee into the WWE Hall of Fame Class of 2014!

-Big Show, Dolph Ziggler, Big E, and Mark Henry df. Rybaxel, Alberto Del Rio, and Damien Sandow

*Backstage Interview with Batista

-Bray Wyatt df. Kofi Kingston

*Triple H comes back out to go face to face with Daniel Bryan to talk. He introduces Daniel Bryan to the ring, and he comes out. He says a lot of things have happened since Summerslam is not personal, it was best for business. He says that Bryan crossed the line last week and that at Wrestlemania 30 he will end the YES! Movement because he has to. HHH offers to shake his hand but Bryan declines. HHH says that he respects Bryan after all he has put him through in 2013/2014. Steph comes out and yells at HHH. Local cops from San Antonio come out and they all attack Bryan and put him under arrest for illegal action last week on Raw. HHH says that the cops aren't real and he attacks Bryan himself on the outside area. HHH even does a chairshot to the head and ends the show with a pedigree in the ring.

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