Monday, June 9, 2014

WWE Monday Night Raw Results! [6/9/14]

*The Authority kick off Raw to address Daniel Bryan's status. Stephanie says that is has been long enough and they have no choice but to officially strip Daniel Bryan of the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. They air a video of Bryan's doctor saying he can't compete for a long time. Stephanie Mcmahon confirms that the MITB Ladder Match will be for the WWE World Title this year instead of the briefcase. HHH then goes on to the topic of The Shield as he says Rollins will break his silence tonight and it will be the last time we will ever see The Shield in a WWE Ring as Reigns & Ambrose will face The Wyatt Family in a 3 on 2 Handicap Match unless The Shield can find a partner for themselves.

-Sheamus df. Bad News Barrett in a Money in the Bank Qualifying Match

*Backstage Segment with The Wyatt Family

-Rusev df. Zack Ryder

-Rybaxel df. Goldust & R-Truth

*Backstage Segment with Layla, Summer Rae, and a Make-Up Cosmetologist - Summer Rae pours milk over Layla

*3MB are out next for a promo. The Shield's Ambrose & Reigns interrupt them immediately. The Shield start the beatdown as they toss Mahal & Mcintyre over the barricades. Slater tries to escape but ends up being on the end of a spear on the ramp. The Shield cuts a promo on Seth Rollins & Evolution in the ring next. They say that sooner or later they will get their hands on them and when Rollins is done airing his grievances later tonight they will beat him down.

-The Usos df. Fandango & Damien Sandow

-Bo Dallas df. Xavier Woods

-Cesaro df. Rob Van Dam in a Money in the Bank Qualifying Match

*Michael Cole has his in-ring interview with Seth Rollins next. Rollins goes straight into it stating facts. He claims that he was always the leader of The Shield and it was his creation for 2 years to do this all. He and only him made the choice to turn on his partners. He says that to him, they were never brothers, just business partners. He said it was a hard decision to do and it took him a lot of guts but he did what he did and can't take it back. He then calls out The Shield for his so called beatdown. The Shield then come out and as soon as they enter the ring, The Wyatts are in the ring. They start attacking The Shield until John Cena comes out and makes the save and later tonight John Cena will join The Shield for the main event.

-Paige df. Alicia Fox
[After the Match, Fox started attacking her partner Aksana for no reason]

-Jack Swagger df. Santino Marella

*Backstage Segment with The Brotherhood - Cody says he will have the perfect tag team partner next week on Raw

*Backstage Segment with The Authority & Vickie Guerrero

-John Cena & The Shield df. The Wyatt Family

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