Friday, December 27, 2013

WWE Friday Night Smackdown Results! [12/27/13]

*John Cena kicks off the final Smackdown of 2013 by cracking jokes and asking Orton for finally a rematch tonight. The Shield comes down and starts the beatdown quickly on Cena until Big E Langston & Mark Henry make the save. Director of Operations, Kane comes out and makes Langston vs Ambrose, Reigns vs Henry, and Rollins vs Cena as the main event for tonight. Kane ends the segment with his usual pyro going off.

-The Wyatt Family df. The Usos

*Backstage Interview with Randy Orton

-Antonio Cesaro df. Cody Rhodes

-The Prime Time Players df. Rybaxel

-Randy Orton df. Dolph Ziggler
[After the Match, Orton attacked Ziggler at ringside]

-Daniel Bryan df. Damien Sandow
[After the Match, The Wyatts came back out and cut a promo on Bryan]

-Big E Langston df. Dean Ambrose

-Roman Reigns df. Mark Henry

-John Cena df. Seth Rollins

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