Saturday, December 28, 2013

WWE Tribute to the Troops 2013 Results!

-Daniel Bryan df. Bray Wyatt via DQ
[After the Match, The Wyatts attacked Bryan until Punk made the save. Vickie Guerrero came out and made it Punk & Bryan vs Rowan & Harper next]

-Daniel Bryan & CM Punk df. The Wyatt Family via DQ
[Bray Wyatt gets involved causing the DQ until Cena then comes out to make the save. Vickie then makes it a 6 Man Tag with Cena, Bryan, and Punk vs The Wyatts NEXT]

-John Cena, Daniel Bryan, and CM Punk df. The Wyatt Family

*Santino Marella came out and introduced Daughtry as they performed their new song "Waiting for Superman"

-R-Truth df. Fandango

*Jeff Dunhum did a comedy skit with his puppet "Peanut" for the troops

-Big Show df. Damien Sandow
[After the Match, All the Superstars & Divas did the YES! chant with the troops and signed autographs for them as Sandow was under the ring hiding to end the 11th Annual Troops show]

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