Wednesday, January 23, 2013

WWE Main Event Results! [1/23/13]

*WWE Royal Rumble 2013: By The Numbers Promo aired.

*Backstage Interview with Ryback

*Pre-Match Segment w/ Antonio Cesaro, He said that he will retain the US Title against The Miz this Sunday on the Royal Rumble Pre-Show and he will win the Royal Rumble Match and also poked fun at Ryback*
-Ryback df. Antonio Cesaro via countout

*Recap of Monday Night Raw when the The Shield attacked The Rock

*Backstage Interview with Big Show

*Pre-Match Segment w/ Team Rhodes Scholars, they said that this sunday they will be Tag Team Champions and be the best Tag Team in the tag team division and make it something again.
-Team Rhodes Scholars df. The Usos


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