Monday, January 21, 2013

WWE Monday Night Raw Results! [1/21/13]

-Vickie Guerrero & Paul Heyman kicked off Raw by saying every week she wants the fans to be entertained and she apologizes for The Rock's actions. Paul Heyman introduced himself and said that The Rock embarrased him last week during the Rock Concert. She said if The Rock shows up tonight she will have him arrested for tresspassing. The Rock was shown backstage talking to the cops and made fun of Paul Heyman & Vickie Guererro and the cops we're laughing and said that no matter how, he was going to make it to the People Ring. Vickie Guerrero started screaming because she was mad at The Rock and made corny song jokes.


-Randy Orton df. Antonio Cesaro in a Beat The Clock match

*The Shield gave an interview from a disclosed location

-Big Show df. Zack Ryder (Brad Maddox was on commentary)
[After the Match, Big Show said that he will make Alberto Del Rio unable to get to the 10 count this Sunday]

*Backstage Segment with Paul Heyman, Brad Maddox, and Cartmen the Camera Guy

-Ryback df. Heath Slater
[After the Match, Ryback said that he will be in the Rumble and said it is also his first. He said that he will win the match and main event Wrestlemania]

*Backstage Segment with The Rock, the cops from earlier tonight, and Vickie Guerrero


-CM Punk & Paul Heyman came out and said this sunday he is walking out of Phoenix, Arizona as the WWE Champion, and also said that he is hurt to hurt people while on the otherhand The Rock is here to make fun of people. He said he knows The Rock's weaknesses by looking into his eyes and seeing all the way down to his soul and saw why he is proud to be the people's champion. He said he will not allow The Rock to become the WWE Champion. He said that the people do not matter to him and said that in 6 days he will continue to be the Best In The World.

-Dolph Ziggler df. The Miz in a Beat The Clock match (New time to beat)

-Dr.Shelby came out and presented the Anger Management Graduation for Team Hell No. Hell No came out in gowns. Dr.Shelby said that Bryan used to be pissed off all the time when people poked of his beard. Dr.Shelby asked Hell No who should be the validictorian of the anger management class, they argue until Shelby breaks it up. They make Cole & Lawler hug along with Dr.Sampson & Justin Roberts also. They make the whole WWE Universe hug it out also to end the segment.

-Kaitlyn df. Alicia Fox

*Backstage Segment with CM Punk & Paul Heyman

-Paul Heyman came out once again and cut a "Paul-Bomb". He said that for 428 nobody could take the WWE Title from CM Punk and January's favor just so happens to be The Rock. He said that Vince Mcmahon has never wanted CM Punk to be WWE Champion and he has sent so many people to get the title from him but no one has been able to. The Rock came out and thanked the San Jose police department for the ticket. The Rock looked at CM Punk from the skybox and said that this is his very last week of being WWE Champion. The Rock said that he is lucky he is up there because if he was in the ring he would slap his face off. He promised that he is gonna walk away as the WWE Champion. The lights turned off and when they turned back on, The Shield was shown attacking the Rock and they did their signature Triple Power-bomb finisher. CM Punk said that come this sunday the great one wasn't great enough to be the best in the world.

-Sheamus VS Wade Barrett ended in a draw for the Beat The Clock match.

*Backstage Segment with Vickie Guerrero, Big E Langston, Dolph Ziggler, and AJ Lee, Vickie said she didn't say he can choose any number, he has to choose between 1 or 2

*Backstage Segment with Vince Mcmahon, CM Punk, Paul Heyman

-Alberto Del Rio df. Tensai
[After the Match, Alberto said that he will beat the Big Show in the last man standing match, and he counted to 10 In Spanish]

*Bob Backlund was announced as the 2nd Member of the WWE Hall Of Fame class of 2013

-John Cena came out to address the WWE Universe about the Royal Rumble. He said that Sunday's are times to relax and just hang out. He started talking to fans about Sunday. He said this sunday is the Royal Rumble, and it's where superstars are made, and it will be an all out war. John Cena said that this sunday, he will win the Royal Rumble. Sheamus came out and said he is gonna win the Rumble just like last year. The Prime Time Players came out and said they were going to win. Randy Orton came out and said that he will also win the rumble. The Miz came out and asked REALLY? and said he was going to win the rumble and main even wrestlemania again. Team Hell No came out and said how childish of them to argue and said they were going to win the rumble match. Antonio Cesaro came out and said he will win the rumble match and dedicate the win to USA. 3MB came out and said 1 member of 3MB will win the Rumble this year. Then all the superstars that are in the rumble came out and brawled to end the show.


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